Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NBC logo

CGR 115

The NBC logo is really effective. It has changed many times over the years; this is the most recent. I love how the peacock is there but its not defined. This design is very simple yet very effective, which is the case for logos and designs. Simplicity is key.

Great flyer

        This flyer really embraces the mood of the event. The colors are simple and the text is legible. I like that there is some text in the background but its not overwhelming. GREAT example!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Not so good

To me this is not a good example of image and text going well together. I feel like all the colors make it hard on the eye and all the text being smashed together makes it very hard to read.

Image and text

I think this is a good example of image and text working together to send a message. I feel like the artist did a good job of of placing the words. I also think the size of each word works well. 


   This is the first image that I came across where the typography  really caught my eye. I like how it makes the viewer think. The text isn't spelled out clear as day and i like the challenge of trying to figure it out!